Welcome to he’s documentation!

he - a library of Python helpers!

License: MIT

Requires: Python 3.7 or higher

Repository: https://github.com/Laurentiu-Andronache/he

he is a library of Python helpers

It exists to aid Python developers in not reinventing the wheel.

Explore the available functions in the Contents section, by choosing the modules that interest you.

Install it with: pip install he

Example usage, where pprint.pprint() from the standard library is also needed:

>>> from he.http_tools import get_json_parsed_from

>>> parsed = get_json_parsed_from('https://www.reddit.com/user/spez/moderated_subreddits.json')

>>> from pprint import pprint

>>> pprint(parsed)
{'data': [{'banner_img': '',
        'banner_size': None,

All functions are well documented, typed and use telling parameter names. Example:

he.http_tools.get_json_parsed_from(url: Union[str, bytes]) → Dict[Any, Any][source]

Get a JSON file and return it parsed, or return an empty dict if any error occurred.

Indices and tables